This page was created by the Swedish Scienctific Diving Panel (SE: VDK), to make information available on how rules and regulations on diving work affect research divers in Sweden. In the menu to the left you will find answers to most questions you may have about this topic.
the Swedish Scientific Diving Panel
Swedish Scientific Diving Panel (Svenska vetenskapsdykarkommittén, VDK) is a network of representatives from various industries who work with scientific diving or conditions similar to those encountered during scientific diving. Membership in the Swedish Scientific Diving Panel is voluntary, but the network strives to have as broad representation as possible from various universities, research institutes, colleges, authorities, consulting firms, museums, public aquariums and similar actors, where scuba diving is practiced. Advisory representatives for diving medicine, technology development and work environment & safety issues are also included in the network. The representation strives to be well spread across the country. The network has a spring and an autumn meeting. In between, working groups can be appointed to address specific issues.

The main purpose of the Swedish Scientific Diving Panel (Svenska Vetenskapsdykarkommittéen, VDK) is to:
Promote scientific diving in all its forms and implement working methods to promote scientific diving and related activities. This includes promoting a good working environment for research divers and promoting opportunities for international and national collaboration.
The Swedish Science Dive Panels' main purpose is achieved by:
- To represent and be responsible for the science divers in Sweden living up to European Scientific Dive Panel (ESDP)'s requirements for a full Member State.
- Implement the competency requirements / standards for European Scientific Diver (ESD) and Advanced European Scientific Diver (AESD) as mobility certificates in Europe and review applications for these certificates. Here you will find information on how to apply for ESD / AESD.
- To represent the scientific divers towards responsible authorities such as the Swedish Work Environment Authority (work environment issues) and the Swedish Armed Forces (certifying authority).
- Promote and disseminate new scientific technologies and equipment e.g. through workshops / courses in method and equipment selection ("best practice") including intercalibration of researchers.
- Disseminate information about scientific diving to organizations and authorities that use such methods and services.
- Create networks where Swedish scientific diving competence is gathered.
- Create and maintain safety recommendations with the purpose of interpreting and applying the AFS for safe diving.
- Promote uniform medical examinations for work related diving . Physicians with EDTC accreditation in Sweden is listed here..
You are welcome to contact the Swedish Scientific Diving Panel through the chairmanship if you have questions or would like for your organization to join the Panel.